You may get planning permission but with conditions attached. You will either need to:
- apply for approval of the planning conditions
- apply to remove or vary the planning conditions
You are likely to need to submit extra information with your planning application. This is known as validation criteria. If you do not submit all the correct information with your application it may take longer for you to get permission.
All supporting documents should be uploaded to the Planning Portal alongside your application. All plans and drawings must include the paper size, address of the proposal, metric scale, be appropriately titled, and plans must show the direction of north.
Please ensure the content and detail of your supporting documentation is sufficient to assess and consult on your application. Many applications are found to require further information following validation due to insufficient or inaccurate detail within documents. This can extend the timeframe required to make a decision on your application, and significantly deficient supporting information may lead to your application being refused.
It is at the Council’s discretion whether to request corrections or amendments to supporting information, and applications are generally expected to be able to be determined in the form that they are submitted.
Please select the appropriate validation checklist for your application type below. Our validation checklists can also be accessed via the Planning Portal.
Householder planning applications provide a simplified process for proposals to alter or enlarge a single house (but not a flat), including works within the boundary/garden. This is commonly used if you are a homeowner wishing to complete work on your home.
A full planning application is required when making detailed proposals for developments which are not covered by a householder application or permitted development rights. This is commonly the case for new buildings of any kind and any 'commercial' property.
Our biodiversity requirement asks an applicant to submit a self-assessment form as part of their supporting documentation. Please check the associated validation checklist to see if this is required. If you do not provide a self-assessment when submitting your application, it is likely the application will be invalid.
For further information on BNG please see our webpage on Biodiversity Net Gain. To ensure that the Council has sufficient information on which to determine the application and to meet the legal requirements, it is vital that the correct biodiversity metric is used; that the metric is accurately and correctly completed, following the appropriate government user guide, and that all Biodiversity Net Gain trading rules are followed. In instances where applications do not satisfy these requirements, the Council may be unable to grant planning permission on the basis of a lack of accurate or sufficient information.
Applicants and developers should use the Sustainability Standards Checklist to ensure the highest sustainability standards of energy and sustainable design are adopted in new and retrofit development.
You may get planning permission but with conditions attached. You will either need to:
Once you have been given planning permission you may need to make a change to your application. If so, you may need to apply for a non-material amendment.
For some adverts you will need to get consent. The validation checklist tells you what additional information you will need to include with your application.
You can apply for a lawful development certificate when you do not need planning permission to prove that your development is legal.
Check what extra information you need to submit to get a lawful development certificate.
If your building is listed you will need to get consent for changes or demolition.
Outline planning permission gives agreement for how a site could be developed. The permission is given as long as an application for approval of certain conditions, called Reserved Matters, is submitted.
You may need to let us know about work that does not need planning permission by applying for prior approval. You will not be able to start the work until we have agreed.
The following validation checklist for prior notification is available:
We have produced some guidance to show best practice techniques in landscape management, tree and hedgerow planting. The guidance also tells you what you will need to submit with your planning application.
This validation checklist sets out the information you must submit with your application for demolition in a conservation area.
Also see conservation area maps.
Guidance on how to create a Design and Access Statement:
A practical and easy-to-navigate guide on how to plan a Net Zero Carbon housing project can be downloaded here.
If you are developing a site between one to five hectares you will also need to submit a flood risk assessment.
In order for waste facilities to be successfully incorporated in any development they should be fully considered in the planning stages of that development.
Your proposed development may require a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway to be stopped up or diverted to allow the development to take place. If planning permission has been granted or will be granted then you need to complete the application form to stop up or divert a footpath or bridleway.
© West Oxfordshire District Council 2025